
Visit to the Regional Logistical Center for Humanitarian Assistance in Panama Pacifico

Visit to the Regional Logistical Center for Humanitarian Assistance in Panama Pacifico

On March 1, Ambassador S.E. Conde Lupo del Bono visited the Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance, located in Panama Pacifico, accompanied by Alberto Sierra, Executive Director; Yair Torres, Logistics and Commercial Coordinator; Rafael Bonilla, Coordinator of Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer Center; Guillermo Quijano Hospitaller; Jay Zequiera, Coordinator of the Medical Volunteers-PROMP of the Panamanian Association of the Order of Malta; and on behalf of Food For The Poor Ed Raine as President and CEO and as Director, Cesar Guevara.

In addition to the tour of the facilities of the Republic of Panama Humanitarian Warehouse, they participated in an executive presentation of the Center’s facilities.